my vision for cameroon reflexion on cameroonian realities and potentials followed by 57 proposals for action
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
21 x 15 x 1 cm
240 g

my vision for cameroon reflexion on cameroonian realities and potentials followed by 57 proposals for action



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The guiding principle is found in the sub-title: Reflection on Cameroonian Realities and
Potential. After a glimpse at the history of the country by highlighting the fact that
Cameroon was never a statutory colony, the author invites his compatriots to remain the
patriots that their ancestors had been. At the cross-roads of the past and the present, the
author sketches a moral portrait of the Cameroonian who is paradoxically torn between the
sentiment of ethnic rootedness and the project of the creation of a new ethnic group called
the Cameroonian nation. The first chapter “Cameroon as an Idea: Ethnic groups and the
Nation-State” is devoted to this project. “State Power” is called upon to be pedagogic, the
object of chapter II which proposes important reforms not only in the action of building
the nation by mobilising sufficient means to take the common good into account over
ethnic interests, but also in a more democratic balance of the executive and legislative
powers. In the third chapter entitled “The Development Front” the absence of an ambitious
vision of projects, the under-exploitation of the country's intellectual potential as well as its
natural resources is heavily deplored. The demand for the celebration of excellence is
presented through education and scientific research in particular. The same demand is
made concerning the bilingual character of the country, called, not to remain merely
formal, but rather to evolve towards a multilingualism susceptible of fostering the
emergence of private cultural enterprises granting crash courses in the different languages used in the UN system and for a greater presence of Cameroon on the international scene.
The book ends with a synthesis with 57 propositions for action, constitutive of the Annexe
II, the Annex I havening been devoted to the distinctive marks of the Cameroonian
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